| Isnt It RomanticNone of the Feels | | Todd Strauss-SchulsonFantasie ★ Komoedie ★ Romantisch | 2019 |
| Blue My MindDrama ★ Fantasie ★ Blockbuster | | Lisa BrühlmannDrama ★ Fantasie ★ Blockbuster | 2019 |
| Down a Dark HallWelcome to Blackwood. Where lost girls find their way. | | Rodrigo CortésDrama ★ Fantasie ★ Horror | 2019 |
| Gaelic King - Die Rückkehr des KeltenkönigsWhen Darkness Comes The King Returns | | Philip ToddAbenteuer ★ Action ★ Fantasie | 2019 |
| Barbie - Die Magie der DelfineAbenteuer ★ Animation ★ Familie | | Conrad HeltenAbenteuer ★ Animation ★ Familie | 2017 |
| Rise of the ScythianRustam Mosafir | | Action, Drama, FantasyAction ★ Drama ★ Fantasie | 2018 |
| Operation Nussknacker 2Get ready. Get set. Get nuts! | | Cal BrunkerAbenteuer ★ Action ★ Animation | 2019 |
| Justice League: Gods and MonstersAction ★ Animation ★ Fantasie | | Sam LiuAction ★ Animation ★ Fantasie | 2015 |
| Star Trek V: Am Rande des UniversumsWhat does God need with a starship? | | William ShatnerAbenteuer ★ Action ★ Fantasie | 1989 |
| Baahubali 2: The ConclusionIndias Biggest Blockbuster Ever | | S.S. RajamouliAction ★ Drama ★ Fantasie | 2017 |
| Aladins WunderlampeSee the Magic Lamp...The Genie...The Magical Entertainment | | Boris RytsarevAbenteuer ★ Fantasie ★ Klassiker | 1966 |
| The Crow 3 – Tödliche ErlösungFor Vengeance, For Justice, For Love. | | Bharat NalluriAction ★ Fantasie ★ Mystery | 2000 |
| Scott Pilgrim gegen den Rest der WeltGet the hot girl. Defeat her evil exes. Hit love where it hurts. | | Edgar WrightAbenteuer ★ Action ★ Fantasie | 2010 |
| Fantastic FourFun. Fabulous. Fantastic. | | Tim StoryAbenteuer ★ Action ★ Fantasie | 2005 |
| Die Melodie des MeeresAnimation ★ Familie ★ Fantasie | | Tomm MooreAnimation ★ Familie ★ Fantasie | 2014 |
| Fürst der FinsternisAction ★ Fantasie ★ Horror | | Sergey GinzburgAction ★ Fantasie ★ Horror | 2017 |
| Evil Dead 2 - Tanz der Teufel 2"The Comedy/Horror of the Decayed" [Pun: "Decade"] | | Sam RaimiFantasie ★ Horror ★ Komoedie | 1987 |
| Constantine City of Demons: The MovieTo stop a devil, you must summon a bigger one. | | Doug MurphyAction ★ Animation ★ Fantasie | 2018 |
| Kikis kleiner LieferserviceAbenteuer ★ Animation ★ Familie | | Hayao MiyazakiAbenteuer ★ Animation ★ Familie | 1989 |
| Frau HolleFantasie ★ Komoedie ★ Romantisch | | Juraj JakubiskoFantasie ★ Komoedie ★ Romantisch | 1985 |
| X-Men 3 - Der letzte WiderstandWhose Side Will You Be On? | | Brett RatnerAbenteuer ★ Action ★ Fantasie | 2006 |
| Superman ReturnsAbenteuer ★ Action ★ Fantasie | | Bryan SingerAbenteuer ★ Action ★ Fantasie | 2006 |
| Santa Clause - Eine schöne BescherungScott Calvin must become Santa. No if or ands...Just one big butt. | | John PasquinAbenteuer ★ Drama ★ Familie | 1995 |
| Die Muppets WeihnachtsgeschichteAnimation ★ Familie ★ Fantasie | | Brian HensonAnimation ★ Familie ★ Fantasie | 1992 |
| Scrooged - Die Geister, die ich riefBill Murray is back among the ghosts. Only this time, it's three against one. | | Richard DonnerDrama ★ Fantasie ★ Komoedie | 1988 |
| Charlie und die SchokoladenfabrikVeruca Is a very bad nut | | Tim BurtonAbenteuer ★ Familie ★ Fantasie | 2005 |
| Edward mit den ScherenhändenHis story will touch you, even though he can't. | | Tim BurtonDrama ★ Fantasie ★ Romantisch | 1991 |
| Die Eiskönigin: Olaf taut aufAbenteuer ★ Animation ★ Familie | | Kevin Deters / Stevie WermersAbenteuer ★ Animation ★ Familie | 2017 |
| Winters TaleThis is not a true story. This is true love. | | Akiva GoldsmanDrama ★ Fantasie ★ Mystery | 2014 |
| Maximum RideWelcome To Her Nightmare | | Jay MartinAbenteuer ★ Action ★ Fantasie | 2016 |
| Solange du da bistIt's a wonderful afterlife. | | Mark WatersFantasie ★ Komoedie ★ Romantisch | 2005 |
| Teen Titans: The Judas ContractThe young fight hard for justice. | | Sam LiuAbenteuer ★ Action ★ Animation | 2017 |
| WildlingDiscover your true nature | | Fritz BöhmDrama ★ Fantasie ★ Horror | 2018 |
| DeadpoolWitness the beginning of a happy ending | | Tim MillerAbenteuer ★ Action ★ Fantasie | 2016 |
| A Cure for WellnessDrama ★ Fantasie ★ Horror | | Gore VerbinskiDrama ★ Fantasie ★ Horror | 2017 |
| X-Men: Zukunft ist VergangenheitEvery hero, every power will unite. | | Bryan SingerAbenteuer ★ Action ★ Fantasie | 2014 |
| Assassins CreedEnter the Animus. | | Justin KurzelAbenteuer ★ Action ★ Fantasie | 2016 |
| X-Men: Erste EntscheidungThe story begins | | Matthew VaughnAbenteuer ★ Action ★ Drama | 2011 |
| Cirque du Soleil: TraumweltenFantasie ★ Blockbuster | | Andrew AdamsonFantasie ★ Blockbuster | 2012 |
| Avatar - Aufbruch nach PandoraEnter the World | | James CameronAbenteuer ★ Action ★ Fantasie | 2009 |
| Freaky FridayFantasie ★ Komoedie ★ Musik | | Steve CarrFantasie ★ Komoedie ★ Musik | 2018 |